Hear the audioProstate Cancer Symptoms If the cancer is caught at its earliest stages, most men will not experience any symptoms. Some men, however, will experience symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer, including: A need to urinate frequently, especially at night; Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine; Weak or interrupted flow of urine; Painful or burning urination; Difficulty in having an erection; Painful ejaculation; Blood in urine or semen; or Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs. Because these symptoms can also indicate the presence of other diseases or disorders, men who experience any of these symptoms will undergo a thorough work-up to determine the underlying cause of the symptoms.For more info visit www.prostatecancerfoundation.org.Although the prostate examination is quick and simple, many men resist having this important test. Here are some reasons men commonly mention for not having a prostate checkup. Suggestions follow as to how you might answer. 1. Only old men have prostate problems. Not true. Although prostate problems are most common after age 60, they can affect men of any age, particularly those over 40. 2. I haven't had any symptoms. Go anyway. Each year, more than 34,000 men die of prostate cancer. Why? Because there are generally no symptoms in the earliest stages when prostate cancer is most curable. 3. I feel embarrassed at the thought of the digital rectal examination. So do most men. However, the prostate is an internal organ that cannot be looked at directly. The way doctors routinely examine it is by gently sliding a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum, a process that takes only a minute. Because women's reproductive organs are internal, women are more used to internal examinations. Some men need extra encouragement to overcome their embarrassment. 4. I heard that the examination is uncomfortable. The examination, called the digital rectal examination, is simple and quick. What are a few seconds of mild discomfort compared with a lifetime of good health? 5. The last time I had a checkup, the doctor didn't check my prostate. Because some men object to prostate examinations, not all physicians routinely perform them. But no checkup of a man over 40 is complete without it. Men should feel free to ask for a digital rectal examination as part of a checkup. 6. I don't have time to go for a checkup. Maybe you can help. Offer to make the appointment or even drive him to the doctor's office. Emphasize that catching problems early, with the help of regular checkups, takes less time from one's life than does waiting and perhaps developing a serious illness. 7. If I do have a prostate problem, treating it may mean the end of my sex life. This is generally not the case. In many instances, treatment for prostate disease, including prostate cancer, need not affect a man's sex life. 8. If something is wrong with my prostate, I don't want to know. Prostate cancer is incurable. Not true. Many prostate cancers are curable if detected early. Waiting until symptoms appear only increases the odds of finding a prostate problem when it is more advanced and less treatable. On the other hand, symptoms can come from prostate problems other than cancer. So there's no reason for men with prostate symptoms to be alarmed. There's every reason to have a prostate examination. The Prostate Examination The doctor will first ask questions about medical history and any symptoms, particularly any problems with urination. Next comes the physical examination. Because the prostate lies in front of the rectum, the doctor can feel it through the rectum by performing the digital rectal examination. This type of checkup allows the doctor to estimate whether the prostate is enlarged or has lumps or other areas that feel abnormal. While the examination may produce some discomfort, it is quick and without risk. [For a line drawing how the examination is conducted, click here.] Some doctors are also beginning to perform a blood test called the PSA (prostate specific antigen) test to help determine whether prostate cancer might be present. Other physicians use this test only as an additional diagnostic tool when the digital rectal examination indicates a possible prostate problem. [For information on the PSA test, click here.] How the Digital Rectal Examination Helps Detect Prostate Disease If the results of the checkup suggest a bothersome or serious prostate problem, the doctor may recommend seeing a urologist. A urologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the urinary tract and male reproductive system. The urologist may perform other tests or diagnostic procedures to better determine the nature of the problem. The three principal prostate diseases are described in more detail below. Prostate Cancer Each year more than 130,000 new cases of prostate cancer are found in the U.S. More than 34,000 men will die from the disease this year. Nearly one of every 10 men will develop this form of cancer. It is second only to lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer death in men. The chance of developing prostate cancer goes up with age. Prostate Cancer is the Most Common Cancer In U.S. Men and Second Leading Cause Of Cancer Deaths Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that begins most often in the outer part of the prostate. As the tumor grows, it may spread to the inner part of the prostate where the urethra, the tube that carries urine, is located. The cancer must grow fairly large before it presses on the urethra and causes trouble with urination. That's why it's a good idea to have regular prostate checkups even when there are no symptoms. In the early stages, most prostate cancer is curable. With early treatment, the percentage of men who stay alive longer than 10 years is just about the same as for men who have never had prostate cancer. By the time a prostate cancer causes symptoms, however, it may not respond as well to treatment. If allowed to grow without treatment, some prostate cancers may spread to other organs. The result may be disability and sometimes even death.Diagnosis generally involves a series of steps: First, the doctor will ask a number of questions. Next comes the digital rectal examination. If the doctor suspects that a cancer is present, he may recommend additional tests to confirm the diagnosis or indicate the extent of the cancer's growth. One such test is a biopsy in which the urologist obtains a small sample of the prostate for examination. If the diagnosis of prostate cancer is made, the doctor will often advise that treatment be undertaken. Surgery, radiation therapy, or medications may be discussed, depending on the extent of the cancer. The doctor will advise on the treatments most appropriate for a particular patient. Because of their slow growth, some small, early-stage prostate cancers may not require treatment, especially in patients who are very old or very ill. Enlarged Prostate After men reach age 40, their prostates often begin to enlarge. This condition is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or just "BPH." The majority of men eventually develop enlarged prostates. Many, but not all, of these men will have some trouble with urination. It is important to note that BPH is not cancer nor does it lead to cancer. However, a man can have both BPH and prostate cancer at the same time. BPH usually affects the innermost part of the prostate first. The enlargement often squeezes the urethra where it runs through the prostate. This pressure sometimes causes trouble with urination. When symptoms of BPH are bothersome or a serious blockage causes a kidney problem or other complication, treatment may be needed. In this case, the patient and doctor should discuss whether treatment is necessary and what treatments are available. Surgery is the treatment choice most recommended. However, other forms of therapy, including medication, are becoming available. All the options should be discussed with the doctor before going ahead.